Teaching with technology
Presentations and awards on teaching with technology
Over the years I have been invited and have participated in CPUT conferences on teaching with technology, due to the innovative work I have been engaged with in this regard.
In 2018 I presented on 4IR and its influence on jounalism education at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Day.
In 2019 I was awarded a R10 000 grant to undertake a project where I created a multilingual online teaching resources.
In 2020 I was invited to speak on creating multlingual and multimodal online assessments as part of a series of webinars the institution was running on best-practices for online course design on Blackboard.

Use of Gaming to foster student engagement
As a means of ensuring engagement during lectures and even online, I use games like Kahoot to get students to engage in the lecture. This lets me see in real time whether students have understood the work and helps me focus on a particular aspect where the majority seem to not have understood.
Use of Linkedin Learning as a teaching resource
Another online teaching resource that I use is LinkedIn Learning. I use this course in two ways. Firstly I use it as a resource where students can get online material that to supplement the readings and lectures I provide them with. After going through a LinkedIn Learning course, I usually give them a tailor-made quiz on Blackboard to help them focus their learning on specific aspects that are in line with a particular module's objectives. Secondly the platform allows students who may be more advanced to find other resources that are not covered in class, but might be of interest to them, so that they too remain engaged in the course.
Courses and training workshop on teaching with technology
Since I started as an academic at CPUT, I have made it a point to attend training on how to use technology for teaching at least once a year. Most of the training has been through the institution's CIET unit, and therefore there are no certificates. Some of the sessions I have attended in this regard include:
Re-imagining Curricula - Towards Flexible Learning Design for HEQSF Qualifications, a couse which looked at the theory of curriculum design and external/internal stakeholder context, flexible and blended learning design as well as design activities for programme accreditation
Supporting At-Risk students using the Retention Centre: training on how to use Blackboard analytics to keep track of student performance
Online Assessments on blackboard: training on how to create assessments and tests for online distribution
Teaching with podcasts/screencasts: the focus of this workshop was to provide a rationale and possible impetus for the use of podcasts/screencasts to support teaching and students learning.